Plan Beyond Tomorrow

Couple on balcony at Cottage Hospice
It’s important to plan for the future. Good planning helps ensure things go the way you want them to. It can also relieve stress and anxiety from situations where uncertainty can impact your loved ones; this is particularly prevalent when faced with death and dying. Planning for your end of life needn’t be scary or something you only do when faced with it. By planning in advance, your family and loved ones know your wishes and can make the process easier, ensuring the things most important to you are followed and respected. We’ve created this tool to help make end-of-life planning a little easier; it also highlights some of the options available and shines a light on other things to consider.
Let's get all of your affairs in order; including legal, finance, assets, documentation and understanding some of the choices available to you when it comes to end of life care.
Our emotions are often what make us who we are and are extremely important when planning for the future. We often tie up emotions in memories and even objects but the real connections are with people. It can be challenging to have conversations with those important to us, fearing that emotions might cloud our messages. Here are some things to consider.
When it comes to outlining what is important to you, stating your likes and dislikes are a good place to start. Whether it’s the big things or those smaller details, if it matters to you then you’ll want those closest to you to be aware of it too. When reading the below, you may wish to note down some of your thoughts for the various categories. When doing this, think about what you’d like others to know about. Your beliefs, personal values, ambitions and preferences all come into play here.
Thank you for completing Plan Beyond Tomorrow, we hope this tool has been helpful.

Please do make the most of the help and guidance included within each section, especially relating to Hospice in the Weald's services and how we might be able to help you now or in the future. If you have any questions, call us on 01892 820500.

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