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We need to raise over £8 million every year to provide outstanding Hospice care to the local community. To get involved with our fundraising activities, design your own, or make a donation, use the information on this page.

Second Hand Calculator

Children's Hospice Shop Opening 2023 Clothes Rail

Have you ever wanted to know how your second-hand purchase from a charity shop makes a different to the environment?

Well, now you can!

Thanks to Charity Retail Association and Charitable Recycling Australia we can now see how buying second hand helps.

By shopping second hand we can help reduce CO2 emissions and the amount of textiles in landfills. All you need to do is add you recent shopping basket to the calculator and it will work out your result.

Second Hand Calculator

Try using our Second Hand Calculator to find out the CO2 emissions and trees you've saved!

#calculator-iframe { width: 100%; /* Full width */ height: 900px; /* Default height for desktop */ } @media (max-width: 768px) { /* Tablet */ #calculator-iframe { height: 2000px; } } @media (max-width: 480px) { /* Mobile */ #calculator-iframe { height: 2300px; } }