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Moonlight Walk lights up Sevenoaks

Moonlight Walk participants on the streets of Sevenoaks

Dogs in bandanas, and even a pet cat, accompanied more than 500 people to walk beneath the stars in Sevenoaks on Saturday 15 June in aid of Hospice in the Weald. With four-mile, eight-mile and thirteen-mile routes throughout Sevenoaks and Knole Park, walkers were adorned with colourful wigs, tutus and glitter in celebration of the lives of loved ones cared for at the Hospice.

Lynn Briggs of West Kent Radio met and interviewed walkers at Sevenoaks Rugby Club before they set off, including: the Knight family, 16 of whom were walking or in the case of the youngest, aged 4 months, being carried! Claire Pring, who has taken part since 2009 and is known for her curly wigs; and Hanna Pepe, who, after uplifting music from the Sevenoaks Rock Choir and a warm-up with BoostFitness, also explained to the crowds why she and so many others wanted to take part.

Hanna with a dog at Moonlight Walk
Hannah making a speech at Moonlight Walk

Hanna said: “When our loved ones are terminally ill, it can be the hardest time of our lives. But with the support of every member of Hospice staff and those who ensure the organisation runs smoothly every day, that hardest time is made incredibly bearable and at times, joyful. It’s my mission, driven by the deep desire to keep my dad’s name alive and show gratitude for the amazing work of the Hospice, to advocate, fundraise and spread the word.”

Walkers returned to Sevenoaks Rugby Club to clear skies, a bright moon and a celebratory glass of fizz. This was also a moment for reflection for those adding a star in memory of their loved ones to the memory wall.

Lauren at Moonlight Walk

Liz Howe and her daughter Lauren have walked with family members in memory of Pete, much-loved dad and grandad twice previously, but this was the first time that Lauren tackled it on crutches. Lauren, who has hypermobility, was determined not to let a painful knee stop her from taking part in memory of her grandad.

“It was tough in places, the hills were a bit of a struggle in Knole Park but Lauren was determined to do it!” said Liz. “On 30th June it will be three years without Dad and we miss him dearly.” ‘Team Pete’ raised more than £1,500 in aid of the Hospice “who cared for Pete with such care and dignity.”

‘Team WWs’ was the top fundraising team, raising more than £3,600. Angela Wragg, with 14 others from the widow and widowers support group she founded, said: “After the death of my husband I received counselling at the Hospice which helped me enormously. I was hugely grateful. Our group is known as the Wonderful Widows and we have around 65 members, many of whom have been supported so brilliantly by staff and volunteers at the Hospice. It’s a wonderful place of support, care and comfort not only for our loved ones but also for our extended families. We can’t thank the Hospice enough and it is our way of giving something back.”

Alison Mitchell, Hospice Fundraising Director, said: “It was a fantastic night. Thanks to all who took part in Moonlight Walk, to our main sponsor The Production Hub and to everyone who supported the event through sponsorship, donations or volunteering their time or skills. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, and match funding from the fabulous Freddie Green and Family Foundation, £100,307 has been raised so far, with funds still coming in. Every penny will make a difference to those facing terminal illness and their families when they need it most.”

Hospice Run participants smiling and laughing

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