Hospice in the Weald hosts successful Tunbridge Wells 'pop-up'

On Friday 11th August, Hospice in the Weald occupied a unit in Tunbridge Wells’ popular Royal Victoria Place, hosting an interactive pop-up space around the theme of ‘It’s never too early to…’ to help provide information about and discuss the topic of end-of-life-care with the general public.

Situated on the upper floor of the busy shopping centre, with a café right outside, our brilliant team spoke with over 45 people – an excellent number for a warm summer’s day. Visitors to our space had various activities and stations to take part in and discuss, all with their own theme and topic.

Royal Victoria Place pop up space

The pop-up had a clear purpose: to educate people about palliative care and what this entails. It also targeted a variety of people: parents and carers were drawn in by the ‘Free Activities for Children’ board outside, and we had a mixed group of people drop by throughout the day.

From the first moment the space opened, wonderful conversations flowed. One mum came in with her two children and spoke about her own mum, the children’s grandmother, who had died at Cottage Hospice last year. The children made memory jars and used their time with us to create something wonderful to take away.

Memory jars are created by rubbing pastels gently onto salts; the salt takes on the colour and then these are layered back into a jar. Each layer represents a memory and one parent commented that, because her daughter “struggles with her emotions”, this could be something they do to encourage “those conversations”.

RVP pop up interior activity

Our team answered a variety of questions, from those relating to the Hospice’s offering to more general palliative care and end-of-life. Some were around Wills, others planning for care and funerals. We shared practical list of advisable steps and actions that people could take away.

The ‘It’s never too early to…’ pop-up was a brilliant experience for Hospice in the Weald, allowing us to engage with the local community in a public space. It was amazing to speak with so many interesting and engaged individuals, of all ages.

If you know of an organisation that would like Hospice in the Weald to hold an event or deliver a bespoke session, please contact: Jane.pantony@hospiceintheweald.org.uk