East Sussex MGOC - High Weald Tour

Three cars in front of Cottage Hospice

Some organisations are incredibly committed in their support of the Hospice. One of these is the East Sussex MG Club who donated the entry fees from an event that had been planned for months, but sadly did not happen. Enthusiasts, some from abroad, had hoped to participate in a new High Weald vintage MG tour event, but regretfully the Pandemic meant it could not go ahead. Nevertheless, once restrictions eased, the club seized the chance to organize a special VIP tour of the beautiful High Weald countryside for at least one of its members.  In all over £1500 was raised and in early October a cheque for this amount was presented by club members, Peter & Angela Hand, Keith & Bev Ramshaw and Colin & Paula Leighton to Kathryn Cracknell, a relationship Fundraising Co-ordinator.

The Hospice in the Weald is inordinately grateful for such a generous gift. The funds will go towards helping patients, their families and their carers really celebrate life and find dignity in death.

Given the amount of preparation needed, the MG Club has made the difficult decision not to hold the event in 2021. Still, fingers are crossed that a tour can be held in 2022. Thank you all for your support!