Beyond the date: Dispelling the myth of Blue Monday

Dark clouds form over tress

We can all experience times of feeling ‘blue’ or ‘low’. While Blue Monday isn’t actually an official ‘holiday’ – and isn’t scientifically backed – it is increasingly recognised as being one of the most depressing days of the year since 2004, when it was first recognised. 

The Samaritans’ ‘Brew Monday’ brilliantly captures our view on this day; when it comes having bad days and mental health struggles, the calendar can’t dictate when this happens. We should all help each other, offer support, and listen to our family, friends and colleagues all year round. And why not do this over a hot drink?

Blue Monday falls on third Monday in January and is allegedly ‘sad’ because this is when people abandon their New Year resolutions, deal with their credit card bills from Christmas, reflect on the festive period which may have brought its own challenges socially and personally, and because of cold winter weather and low sunlight levels. 

Men talking about death and dying

For many it may be a time when we reflect on loss and look to a new year without the presence of loved ones and uncertainties about what the new year will bring for ourselves and others. It can be a difficult time for those who live alone and are feeling isolated and when we yearn for warmer days and signs of spring. But we know this doesn’t just happen on one day in January…

As we travel through the dark months of winter, we look to the return of light and renewed hope. It is a time for taking care of our needs. The idea of ‘wintering’ brings to mind the ways that we can sustain ourselves, inspired by the natural world that adapts and conserves energy until reserves return and the world opens up. It is also a time to look out for others – to notice and to listen.   

At Hospice in the Weald, Pembury, our Quiet Room and the support of the Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Team is available, not just on 20th January, but throughout the year.

Image of the interior of the Hospice quiet room

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