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Advance care planning – three tips to get started

It’s important to plan beyond tomorrow. At Hospice in the Weald, we believe that good planning helps ensure things go the way you want them to.

Planning for your end of life needn’t be scary or something you only do when faced with it. By planning in advance, your family and loved ones know your wishes, are less anxious and can make the process easier, ensuring the things most important to you are followed and respected.

Nurse and patient talking

1) What matters to you?

When planning for the future, it’s crucial you think about you. Ultimately, this is about your wants and needs.

Consider all things practical (legal documents and financial information, for example) and emotional, such as creating memories, having important conversations and leaving messages.

Also, think about health and welfare (for example your decisions around care and treatment) and what you deem important around things such as your funeral and how you want to be treated.

Nurse with patient at Cottage Hospice in the gardens

2) Start early

The sooner you begin thinking beyond tomorrow, the easier it will be to gather everything you need. It will also allow you the time and headspace to consider what’s important to you and how you really feel about each area. You may want to share the information as you go along with your family or loved ones.

Keeping those closest to you informed and aware of your wishes can be useful and might make difficult conversations less so. This is down to you and what you feel comfortable with, but we’ve seen how this can be a valuable tool when shared with friends, family, loved ones and health and social care professionals.

Mother in bed with daughter sitting beside her at Cottage Hospice

3) Keep organised

Throughout this process, you will likely gather a lot of information and thoughts. This makes organisation and structure when planning vital!

We’ve pulled together some information and guidance to help you plan beyond tomorrow and start thinking about advance care planning. From getting your affairs in order, thinking about what matters most to you, to planning your own funeral.

patient and his wife

Plan for your future, today

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