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A passion for volunteering: Ann's story

Mount Pleasant Shop

At 91, Ann is one of Hospice in the Weald’s oldest and most dedicated volunteers, giving her time to help out at our Mount Pleasant shop. Here, she shares how she accidentally got into volunteering, why she’s still loving it 11 years on, and why everyone should give it a go, no matter their age!

Ann, volunteer
Ann, volunteer

Memorable moments

“There’s never a dull day in our shop. One of my most memorable moments was on my 90th birthday. Jason, the Shop Manager, had planned a little after-hours celebration at the shop, but when I arrived, it was closed for emergency repairs.

“We ended up having my party at the Starbucks next door instead. Sharon, the Head of Retail came along and Sue, who also volunteers with me, made a nice lemon drizzle cake. I was given a big bunch of flowers which I wasn’t expecting, it was lovely.

“I was never one for wild birthday parties, not even going back 70 years when I was in my 20s, but it’s quite nice to get together. Memories like that remind me how much I love being part of this team, it was a birthday spent among friends, and I loved it.”

How it all started

“I’ve always been work-orientated and worked full-time in nursing until I retired at around 75. I met different people and the job was varied, working in mother and baby units, day centres, and children’s wards.

“Volunteering at Hospice in the Weald all started by accident. One Christmas, I popped into the shop early to grab some Pantiles Christmas cards before they sold out! While there, I saw a notice about volunteering and before I could control my mouth, I said that I was interested. I surprised myself by joining the team, but I’m very glad I did. I’ve now been doing it for 11 years, two afternoons a week every Tuesday and Friday.

“I’m a member of the Hospice Lottery and have been coming to the Christmas events with my daughter, Nicola, for years – so I knew the Hospice was a good cause. Nicola also volunteered after she graduated as an Osteopath and then started a regular job at the Hospice for a period of time, so it’s very much a part of our family. After getting involved in the shop, I really came to appreciate how vital it is to the community.”

“I could have accidentally volunteered somewhere else, but I’m glad I didn’t. I think that the Hospice is a wonderful charity to support.”

Having a purpose keeps me young

“When I’m not volunteering, I enjoy gardening, reading, and spending time with my grandchildren. But it’s my time at the shop that keeps me mentally young, especially when having conversations with people about different topics – politics, history, even music sometimes! It helps keep me engaged with what’s going on in the world, even if I’m reminiscing about songs from the 70s with Jason, our manager, only to realise he wasn’t even born then!

“Between sorting, and tagging clothes, my tasks at the shop also give me a good upper-body workout and help keep me physically fit. I do get a bit creaky sometimes, but I think that’s allowed at my age…

“Jason said with my attitude I’ll make 20 years as a volunteer, but I don’t think I’ll still be helping out then. What I do know is that I’ll miss it dreadfully when I stop.”

Ann, volunteer

Give volunteering a try

“Some customers come in regularly and they recognise me. They buy certain things and have a knack for picking out unique items. When the Mount Pleasant shop was being refurbished, I missed the social aspect of volunteering, and I think customers missed us too.

“We couldn’t run the shops without volunteers – it would be impossible for one person to do all the jobs to keep the shop running.  I’d encourage people to consider volunteering because it’s a rewarding thing to do and you don’t have to give all that much of your time if you haven’t got it to spare. You can just do one afternoon, or morning and you’ll still be making a difference.

“Of course, volunteering is enjoyable, you do meet people and if you’ve got a particular favourite charity, it’s one way of contributing to it. In fact, it’s a very good way of contributing to it because when you think about what an hourly pay rate would be, you’re saving the charity that much money which can then go towards supporting patients and their loved ones at the Hospice.”

“Hospice in the Weald needs over £8 million to deliver care and support to people who need it most. Volunteering in charity shops is one way of helping out, as they can’t just rely on people donating.

“Give volunteering a go, even if you come and try for a week or two, you might just love it and stick around for 11 years, like I am.”

Volunteers at Love Your Labels

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