Make a complaint

How to make a complaint

If you would like to submit a complaint or tell us about a concern, you can use the process outlined below.  We value your thoughts and feedback and take your concerns very seriously. We want to make it as simple as possible for you to get in touch. You can write, call us, email or use our Contact Us page.

Help us get it right.

Hospice in the Weald strives to provide excellent Hospice palliative care to people facing a terminal illness and support to their families and loved ones.

We recognise that sometimes things do go wrong, and we don’t always provide the service we strive to. You may want to complain or tell us about your concerns and suggest improvements. This page tells you what to do if you have a complaint.

Who can complain?

Anyone who is, or has been, the recipient of any care or treatment provided by, or on behalf of Hospice in the Weald.

Complaints and concerns are not limited to patients and their loved ones, and also includes participants at fundraising events, donors and customers of our retail outlets.

If your complaint is related to care, and you are not the patient, then it’s important for you to have their written consent or proof that you are their next of kin or that you have Lasting Power of Attorney for their health and welfare. This will be required for us to provide specific details of care. Complaints can also be made about the care given to a patient who has died, and we will need to see similar evidence for us to provide specific details of care.

Can I make a complaint at any time?

Please make your complaint as soon as possible after the problem arises. This allows us to act promptly.

How do I complain?

Verbal Complaints

We aim to resolve matters as quickly as possible. You can complain at the time of the incident by speaking to a member of our team either in person or over the phone. Often, they will be able to deal with the problem straight away.

Call 01892 820500 and ask to speak with the relevant service or department relating to your concern. If you do not want to speak with someone, or it is not possible or appropriate, you can make a complaint in writing.

How do I complain in writing?

A written complaint can be made by letter, email, or via the Contact Us page on our website. In the first instance, all written complaints of a clinical or care-related matter can be directed to the Director of Clinical Excellence, Jan Thirkettle and all complaints about fundraising or our shops can be directed to the Director of Fundraising, Alison Mitchell You can also find details of our wider leadership team here.

Hospice in the Weald
Maidstone Road
Tunbridge Wells

A written complaint does not need to be long or detailed. As a guide, it is helpful to include:

  • Who or what you are complaining about, including the names of workforce and those involved if you know them;
  • Where and when the events of the complaint happened. If you are complaining about several matters, it may help to explain which are the most important ones for you;
  • Any actions you may have already taken;
  • What you would like the result of your complaint to be, (for example, an apology or an explanation, or changes to services).
How long does it take you to respond?

This depends on the problem. Many complaints can be resolved when they are made, whilst others may take longer. If you complain verbally and your complaint cannot be completely resolved immediately, the details of your complaint will be recorded and treated in the same way as a written complaint.

Our initial response to you will be within 3 working days of receipt.  We will then aim to respond fully within 20 working days of receiving your complaint. If it is not possible to respond fully within 20 working days, an interim response will be sent, informing you of the progress that has been made and setting out the expected timeframe for completion.

What happens when I make a complaint?

Whether you made a complaint via email or letter, you should receive acknowledgment within 3 working days of receipt.

The person dealing with your complaint will then investigate it on your behalf to find out what happened. If you would like to discuss your complaint with those concerned, please ask for a meeting.

Your complaint will be dealt with appropriately and will only be discussed with those who need to know. You or your family will not be penalised, and your relationship with the Hospice and the service being provided will not be adversely affected by making a complaint.

What if I am dissatisfied?

If you are not satisfied with our initial response, please let us know so we can address the areas/points with which you are still unhappy.

Complaints can be escalated to the Chief Executive using the contact details below:

Nick Farthing, Chief Executive
Hospice in the Weald
Maidstone Road

Tel: 01892 820552

The Chief Executive will review your complaint and respond to you within the timeframes set out above.

Following review of your complaint by the Chief Executive, if you remain dissatisfied then you can ask the Chief Executive to escalate it for review by the Chair of Trustees.

The Chair of Trustees will review your complaint and respond to you within the timeframes set out above

This is the end of the Hospice’s internal processes for escalation. Should you remain dissatisfied and wish to take your complaint further, depending on the nature of your complaint, there are external bodies you can contact.  Their details are below under “How do I take matters further?”.

How do I take matters further?

Clinical Complaints

If the internal process has been completed and your complaint about the care or clinical services provided still has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC does not investigate individual complaints, but does regulate all healthcare providers, including Hospice in the Weald.

Care Quality Commission

CQC London
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: 03000 616161
Fax: 03000 616171

Fundraising Complaints

If the internal process has been completed and your complaint about fundraising undertaken by the Hospice still has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator or, if your complaint is related to our lottery, the Gambling Commission.

The Fundraising Regulator

Fundraising Regulator
2nd Floor, CAN Mezzanine Building
49-51 East Road
N1 6AH

Tel: 0300 999 3407

The Gambling Commission

PO Box 62639

Tel: 020 7347 5883

Email –