It's Never Too Early To...

At the Hospice in the Weald, we know the huge benefits of being able to plan ahead.  And we also understand how difficult it can be to talk about death, dying and loss. We would like to change this; we would like to help everyone to have open and honest conversations about death and end-of-life issues.

With our, ‘It’s never too early to…’ campaign over the next three months we are going to bring you three different topics that might help to start ‘that conversation’. The idea is that we can all use the topics to talk to our loved ones and to help all of us think about and plan ahead to make informed choices about end-of-life decisions.

‘Death literacy’ is about the skills, knowledge and awareness that help us access and understand information about end-of-life care options, and this allows us all to make informed choices about what we want or importantly, what we don’t want at end of life.

Jane introduces our campaign

It's never too early to...

Group discussing in Living Well

The Departure Lounge

The Departure Lounge is somewhere you are able to consider and have conversations about death and dying – we hope that you will come away with more awareness about end-of-life matters, to help make informed choices for yourself, family and friends for when needed.

Find out more and feedback

To learn more about death literacy, our campaign It's Never Too Early To... and more support please don't hesitate to get in touch