Occupational Therapy

We offer a range of therapies to help empower patients to live their life with a terminal illness. Improving mobility and every day tasks to make things as comfortable as they can be allowing you to do what you want. We also offer therapies to those important to patients who may benefit from the services we provide.
Patient in a wheelchair

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is completely free of charge and empowers people whose health prevents them from doing the activities that matter to them, through equipment, advice and support. A full assessment of the individual’s home is usually carried out and the therapist will recommend and provide equipment and home adaptations to assist with everyday activities such as bathing, showering, domestic tasks and mobility.

Your Occupational Therapist can also help you with advice on how to best manage fatigue and energy conservation.

For further information please contact Susie Lowden – Manager of Therapies or Ellie Biggs – Occupational Therapist, on 01892 820531 or susie.lowden@hospiceintheweald.org.uk

Equipment provision

The Occupational therapist can assess you either over the telephone or in person, to look at whether equipment at home could help with daily living tasks.

We have access to a wide range of bed, toilet and bathing equipment to help you remain as independent as possible.

We can also look into moving and handling equipment and techniques to enable you to continue to do the things you want to do safely.

For an assessment call 01892 820 500

Minor and Major adaptations

Sometimes grab rails inside and outside your house or more major adaptations such as stairlifts and bathroom renovations may be considered.

We at the Hospice in the Weald are able to organise grab rails, mopstick rails and galvanised rails from your local Council or housing association.

If more major work is required we can refer to social services, but we can also advise you on what work would be suitable if you chose to undertake the work privately.

OT Hub

Once a month one of our Occupational therapists will be on hand in Living Well, to answer any questions you have, discuss referrals to Occupational therapy, advise on equipment and potentially order some equipment for you or someone important to you.

These Hubs will be on different days each month, to find out the date of the next one please call 01892 820585

Fatigue Management

The Occupational therapists can help support individuals who are suffering from fatigue. People who have fatigue have little or no energy. Fatigue means feeling very tired or exhausted all or most of the time. The tiredness is not relieved by rest and can affect you physically, psychologically and emotionally. You may also find it difficult to do simple, everyday things that we usually take for granted.
We have a fantastic Fatigue management Pack, that contains hints and tips on how to manage your fatigue, alternatively you can request for an OT to speak to you in person.


Open Workshop

Are you interested in joining a social group?

We run a group fortnightly on a Wednesday from 1.30-3pm, held at the Hospice. All are welcome, whether you are a patient, a relative or friend of a patient, or have been bereaved.

It is a space to interact with other people with no pressure to be or do anything in particular.

The time can be used to meet other people, take part in activities and games or simply just enjoy tea and cake.