I have just been diagnosed with a terminal illness

I might need Hospice Care-crop
I am struggling with my diagnosis

Being given a diagnosis of a terminal illness can have a huge impact on a person, you might be feeling a whole range of emotions including shock, anger or fear. 

You are likely to have lots of questions about what your diagnosis means for you and your loved ones. 

Our doctors, nurses and Hospice paramedics can help you answer these questions. The nature of terminal illness often means there can be uncertainty, but we will help you manage this in the ways that are best for you. They will also guide you through decisions relating to your care, so you can make choices that are right for you and your loved ones.  

Some people find talking about their feelings in Counselling Sessions helpful.

Hospice staff explaining leaflet
I don’t know what do to 

You can use the resources in this Help Hub to find more information about your symptoms or questions, but we would also suggest that you contact us to find out more about how we can support you at this time. Please complete this short form, and a member of our team will phone you back.  

Counsellor and client outside with cup of tea
I’m worried about my loved ones

Hospice care is for anyone with a terminal illness, and those important to them. This means that we will support anyone close to you, whether that is a family member or friend, through our Services. They can access Counselling & Support, or learn about relaxation techniques via the Time to Be series. The Counselling team can also support you in having difficult conversations with your loved ones. 

We also offer a range of wellbeing therapies, and practical support and advice on things like your finances, equipment you might need at home, or the benefits of in-patient care.  

Care Records Team on the phone at a computer

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