Fundraise & Get Involved

We need to raise over £8 million every year to provide outstanding Hospice care to the local community. To get involved with our fundraising activities, design your own, or make a donation, use the information on this page.

Christmas Stitch-a Stocking

Stitch a Stockings hanging on a Fir Tree
Stitch a stocking fireplace
Create your own beautiful stockings

We are delighted to invite you to join our festive “Stitch-a-Stocking” Christmas campaign this year. Create beautiful and festive stockings to bring joy to those at Christmas.

Suggested gift ideas to fill your stockings, chocolates, mini bath bombs, hand creams any other suitably sized gifts.

Drop off your finished stockings at the Hospice in the Weald reception in Pembury, and don’t forget to include your contact details so we can thank you and keep you updated on the campaign.

Please return your stockings by the 1st December to:

Hospice in the Weald

Maidstone Road



TN2  4TA

Please note our knitting pattern is only a suggestion, please feel free to create you own special Christmas stocking.