End of Life Matters Group

Male patient and nurse talking about hospice care

The End of Life Matters Group meets regularly to discuss how Hospice in the Weald’s services are currently offered and delivered, plus how we can maintain and improve the quality of our care. We want to ensure the care and support the Hospice provides is what patients, families and carers actually need; not just what our health and social care teams think they need.

This is why the feedback and insight of those who have experienced our services is so valuable to us. Here, we explain more about the group’s aims, who can benefit, and more!

Group discussing in Living Well

Why should you join?

This small group of people is made up of those who have accessed our services, either as a patient, friend or family member, carer, or loved one of a patient.

The group has been set up to encourage open and honest conversations about people’s experience of our care and how we can better support patients and those important to them to be proactive partners in their care.

Hospice in the Weald Pembury building

The value of feedback

As someone who has first-hand knowledge and experience of our services, you are an expert. Feedback about your experience of our services will give us great insight into how we can improve patient care and support for people.

If you’d like to share your experiences and views about Hospice in the Weald, we want to hear from you!

hand writing a checklist

What's involved?

We are still in our infancy as a group. We currently meet every two months, either online or in person.

We share updates and information about the hospice and encourage and support members to contribute to service development plans; advise on hospice information literature; and most importantly, to represent patient and family views on current hospice services.

Lisa, a Hospice in the Weald Counsellor with a client

Join on your terms

We understand that committing to regular meetings isn’t always easy. If you’d like to offer your opinions and support, but cannot commit the time, being a virtual member is a great way to still be involved.

All you need is access to the internet to keep in touch and have your say via email.

Our group aims


To provide insight into significant changes to hospice practice, research, service reviews, redesigns and restructures.


To communicate patient experience, interests and concerns and provide honest feedback to the hospice on current processes and proposed developments.


To collaborate with patients, friends, family members, carers, and loved ones.

Get in touch!

If you’re currently accessing, or have ever used any of our services, we’d love to invite you to join our End of Life Matters Group. It’s a way of making a meaningful contribution to the people under our care at the hospice; be that on our inpatient wards, via our Living Well Service, or out in the community.

To find out more about our End of Life Matters group, please contact Steph Hall, Head of Living Well at stephanie.hall@hospiceintheweald.org.uk or on 01892 820500