Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care

floating candle

The Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care team is here for patients, as well as those important to them. 

Spiritual care is an integrated part of the holistic support the Hospice offers everyone. Our spirituality is not just religious affiliation or belief—it concerns the whole of us and is an essential part of our well-being.

Hospice in the Weald Pembury building

Our Chaplains

Our chaplains are  an integrated part of the whole Hospice multi-disciplinary team which includes a group of trained and supervised Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care volunteers.  The team offers spiritual and pastoral support throughout the Hospice community, including the In-Patients’ Ward, Hospice Outreach,  and the our Living Well service.

Hospice in the Weald does not allow any staff or volunteers to evangelise or promote any faith or beliefs.