I'm a Health or Social Care Professional

Who can be referred?

Anyone who has been given a terminal diagnosis can be referred to Hospice in the Weald for help.  This includes any diagnosis, not just cancer.  More than 50% of the patients known to us have diagnoses other than cancer, including heart failure, dementia, COPD and frail old age. If you feel the patient has complex symptom control needs or is likely to be in the last year of their life, then feel free to refer them to us.

You should first discuss making this referral with the person whom you are referring to make them aware.

If you are uncertain if the patient is within our catchment area or you want to talk about a patient who is not within the community we serve, please telephone 01892 820515 for advice.

Nurse with patient at Cottage Hospice

Making a Referral

It is easy to refer a patient to our services – over the phone this shouldn’t take more than a few minutes, but you are welcome to use any means you like.

Phone us on 01892 820515

At Hospice in the Weald we value the positive working relationships we have with many health and social care colleagues locally. We believe that in order to provide great Hospice palliative and end-of-life care, collaboration needs to include patients, families and both formal and informal care providers.

Common misconceptions about the Hospice

The Hospice just cares for people in the last days or weeks of life

Our Services are designed to support people in the last year of life, not just the final days or weeks. The earlier a patient can access our Services within this time, the more we are able to support them in making decisions that are right for them and their loved ones. Those who are important to them can access our Services within this time too.

You need to be referred by a Doctor or Nurse to access Hospice in the Weald care

This is not the case. Whilst you can be referred by a doctor or nurse, we also encourage people to refer themselves, or a loved one. Accessing our care is easy, a short form can be completed on our website and someone will call you back, or you can call us directly on 01892 820515, this number is answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You only help cancer patients
Hospice in the Weald is an independent charity and not linked to any other organisation. Over 50% of the patients we care for have a non-cancer terminal diagnosis. We care for patients who are terminally ill from: heart failure, lung and respiratory diseases, dementia, and motor neurone disease for example. Hospice in the Weald is leading the way in caring for more patients with other terminal illnesses and ensuring all patients have access to the care and support they need as an individual regardless of their diagnosis.