I might need Hospice care

I might need Hospice Care-crop
You might be visiting this page on the suggestion of your loved one, GP or other healthcare practitioner, or just to find out more information.

Hospice in the Weald cares for people facing a terminal illness or approaching end-of-life, as well as supporting their loved ones, through our Services. You can find more information on this page about what we offer and how we individualise our care and support. If you have specific questions or concerns, you may find the answer in our Help Hub if you’re unsure pick up the phone and call us on 01892 820500.

Couple on balcony at Cottage Hospice

What is Hospice care?

Often people are not sure what Hospice care means. Hospice palliative care means providing care for you in the last year of your life, or during terminal illness, in whatever way is right for you.

This might be in your own home, or a care home, via the Hospice Outreach Service , supporting you to live well, exploring activities, exercise and achieving goals through Living Well or helping to manage your symptoms and make sure you’re as comfortable as possible through in-patient care at our Cottage Hospice or In-Patient Ward. We will support you in making decisions that are right for you and your loved ones. The Counselling & Support Service can also provide support for you and those important to you, now and throughout your illness, or during bereavement.

For advice on symptoms, or other specific information and support, please visit our Help Hub

Access Our Care

If you’d like to, you can also complete this form to Access Our Care. Completing the form means a member of the Hospice Team will contact you to find out more about your circumstances and how best we can support you and your family. You can choose to do this to find out about Hospice care for you now, or in the future.