Cultural Approaches to Death

There are many different and fascinating ways that other cultures approach and deal with death.

Some cultures see death as a preparation for an afterlife, while others see it as a way of wrapping up a life well lived in this world.

We hope the following information serves as an interesting read, and maybe something that helps you, or someone you know, on your own journey. Remember, you can also explore our tools for Advance Care Planning and other useful help at the links below.

Sweden body image
Australia body image

Preparing for death

Swedes and Australians share a pragmatism that is reflected in the way they approach death. Marie Kondo – the Japanese organising guru – says to part with anything that doesn’t spark joy when touched.

Swedes to take responsibility for tidying up their lives as they approach middle age, whereas Australians take control of personal planning for their futures.

Humanist body image
Jewish body image

Acceptance, remembrance, and celebration

Along with the sorrow of death, there is a joy and celebration shared by both that is uplifting.

In practice, grief has led Humanism to develop many of its own rituals and practices in the last 100 years, bringing people together in a non-religious way, to understand the world.

The Jewish way of death could be seen as wrapping up a life and ensuring that there are as few loose ends around as possible – dying people are not left alone, and companions help them to arrange their affairs.

Sikh Body Image
Ghana body image

Rituals & Afterlife

In Sikhism, birth and death are closely intertwined because they are both part of the cycle of human life of ‘coming and going’. This cycle is seen as a stage toward complete unity with God – or Liberation.

In the culture of the Ga, dying is a transitional period from this life to life in the next world which continues much as it did on earth. Ancestors are thought to be much more powerful than their living relatives.

Japan body image
Mexico body image

Respect & Protection

According to traditional Japanese beliefs, the spirits of the dead are always nearby, and may even visit their loved ones during certain times of year.

Once a year, Mexicans remember their dead with the Dia de los Muertos celebration. Literally, ‘The Day of the Dead.’ Mexicans believe that we die three times.